Thursday, June 20, 2013

Of warmth and cold

The warmth which a roadside beggar feels when he envelops a blanket around his shoulders in the biting cold can be one of the highest forms of comfort he can experience. While he warms his body under the blanket, he feels a sense of gratitude towards the unknown person who left the tattered, torn blanket aside. That gratitude instills a sense of loyalty, a sense of calm and a sense of happiness. The gratitude makes the person burst into tears, tears of joy, sometimes creating a lump in one's throat and subsequently leading to goosebumps.

Human beings have always underestimated their capability to portray emotions. Emotions can move the world. Emotions are the most powerful weapons ever bestowed on a human being, one that separates them from the rest of the species on Earth. Let me take you on a fleeting journey, one which will show what emotions are capable of doing

Look at this picture, take in all the details carefully.

Just imagine your self at this pier. The sun is going to set. The rustling sound of water as a yacht approaches from a distance. Chirping of birds, gentle winds and the sweet fragrance of sea water, similar to the enticing fragrance of the earth moments before the first droplets of rain fall on it's surface.Take all this in, close your eyes and picturise yourself at this scene, with all the necessary additions you feel fit. The scenic beauty, the gentle breeze sliding over your face, the fragrance, the rustle of water and the calm.

Let the calm set in...

Let the calm set in...

Let the calm set in...

Every single thing that you feel, every thought and every action you do afterward is emotion. Even the most emotionless people on Earth tend to show emotion at some or the other point in their life. Stress busters are best when they are natural. Nothing in the world can calm you better than calm itself. Calm, accompanied by nature's gifts give a person more satisfaction than anything worldly possible.

Emotion is a big tool which everyone inherently possess. A person who uses this tool to his best would be the person who is most happy in his life. The beggar which I mentioned in the first paragraph will have one of the most comfortable nights in his life; a night which he will remember for all the nights to come.

All the worldly pleasures give a person only momentary calm and momentary happiness. Eternal calm and happiness isn't just possible as calm cannot be appreciated without experiencing turbulence. But when one needs the calm during times of extreme turbulence, nothing other can natural emotions can trigger the 'emotional release'.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Life- A journey to death

I have no idea why I wrote this. A lazy evening with nothing to do might instigate one to do something crazy, and here is my version:

A child is prone to a lot of problems during childhood. But, one thing protects it from all of that, innocence. Innocence is what makes a child throw tantrums, be mischievous and cause loads of trouble. Innocence also makes the child an easy prey to all the negative energy flowing around. A child can turn into a social menace and subsequently into a pedophile or a rapist or a murderer. A person's characteristics are molded at a very tender stage. At such an age, a child's soul is not corrupted by any of the worldly pleasures or whims. It is pure and unadulterated. If proper care is given to each and every aspect of a child's growth, he/she can be made into a genuine and an honest person who is of great help to the society as a whole.

Ironically, a society requires all kinds of people. If it is a cluster of people with the same mindset, there will be absolutely no differentiation between any of them and the whole concept of good and bad will just cease to exist. If every child in a society is brought up in such a way that he is polite, well-mannered and happy all the time, the society will cease to judge right from wrong. Therefore, it must have a constant mix of all kinds of people. The war between good and bad will never end. If it does, the entire world, which runs on the balance of the evil by the good, will just collapse.

Nature loves symmetry. If there is any force which tries to obliterate symmetry, there will be imbalance, which leads to a collapse in each and every strata of life; A domino effect. Peace and harmony can only be meaningfully perceived in an area when violence and destruction occurs in the same area. There is no peace without war. Hence, equality must be prevalent in every chasm of life.

The concept of symmetry can also be gently extrapolated to children. Children need to perceive every feeling. At a very young age, a child may not pursue a particular thing if told not to. But, at a later point of time in life, their curiosity gets the better of them. Children tend to make hasty decisions or even do things in haste, hindering their development throughout their life. Proper channelising of their thoughts and urges must be put into effect than just trying to suppress them, provoking their curiosity even more.

A general assessment shows that a person is incapable of deciding a majority of things in life on their own. An opinion by one close to him/her or a third party is generally necessary to make things come to a closure. The human brain, being so fickle almost all the time can never be trusted to remain the same throughout (the thinking processes that is). A parent generally feels and experiences every aspect of human life and hence their decisions and thoughts will be way more stable than a general adolescent.

A child learns a lot during childhood. Whatever it learns at that time, is never unlearned, it remains vivid in the child's memory forever. Disasters during childhood is something which the child will find very difficult to forget, they keep haunting him throughout his life, perhaps changing the way the child looks at things right from the beginning. A person's life heavily depends on his childhood. Childhood may not be beautiful for everyone, but, it just needs to be sensible enough for the child to break free of its protective cocoon when the time is right. The different stages of a child's growth are sectioned through three age stages:

Age 1-5:
The child is barely conscious of the world. It is like an animal at this stage. It only has the basic needs: Food, shelter and care. It cannot perceive the care in an emotional way but can understand that it is secure and it curls up into that cocoon. During this age, learning is involuntary. All the primal senses of the child are high and they are always turned on. The child therefore learns to smell-recognise, see-recognise, hear-recognise and feel-recognise objects and people. This remains in the memory of the child throughout his/her life, forming a permanent, indestructible memory.As the child nears the age of 1, the major hurdle it crosses is dexterity. It starts to develop trust on its own self to obtain perfect balance, putting itself to more difficult tasks, letting our occasional cries of dissatisfaction till it masters the task. That is when it brims with emotion- happiness.

Age 5-10:
It is said that during period is when a child's creative skills are its best. A child artist in cinema, a painter or a cricketer finds his field of non-academic interest during this age. This is when the child starts to trust his creativity to become better in life. Many cases of failure occur, throwing an open test of one's self confidence. Once that barrier is crossed, growth takes place in an exponential manner.

Age 10-15:
This age span is the most challenging span for a parent more than it is for a child. A parent feels the weight of the child's fickle mindedness and overpowering desire to burst out at every single moment. The child is not open to advice during this time and starts to understand his/her body better.

The age span of 10-13 is one which is most tantalizing for a parent. Creativity and self-confidence reach its peak and the child starts to argue and oppose every single thing the parent says. The parent in turn loses self-control and vents their anger back at the child, leading to hatred and pain along with loads of remorse and suffering.

Childhood is not a dream; it is just a learning platform. It is never as beautiful as people think it is. It is an age in which we are relatively exposed to way more brutalities of nature than we are as we grow up, but we just don’t feel it much as we aren't literally in our senses during our childhood. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the cloud hung oppressively low in the zenith, I had been passing alone, the sound of the horse's hooves resounding with every yard I covered through the singularly dreary tract of the country named 'The Brain.'

At length, I found myself as the shades of evening drew on, within the view of the Central part of The Brain. I know not how it was - but, with the first glimpse of the convoluted and the most significant part of the whole body, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit. I say insufferable; for the feeling was unrelieved by any of that half-pleasurable, because poetic sentiment with which the mind usually receives even the sternest natural images of the desolate or terrible.

I looked upon the scene before me - it looked like a structure of complete devastation - with an utter depression of soul which I compare to no earthly sensation more properly than to the after-dream of the reveler upon opium - the bitter lapse into the everyday life. There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart - an unredeemed dreariness of thought which no goading of imagination could torture into any sane person's mind.

What was it - I paused to think, hoped that this could only be an enigma. The next second, I felt myself reeling downwards, falling into the dark nothingness... until i was rudely woken up by floor... I had fallen off the cot!